Big brothers big sisters wi shoreline
Originally Big Brothers Big Sisters of Sheboygan County, the WI Shoreline affiliate of Big Brothers Big Sisters led the effort bringing mentoring programs to children in the state of Wisconsin by becoming the first Big Brothers of America in Wisconsin in 1965. A merger of the two local groups happened in 1982 when Big Brothers Big Sisters of Sheboygan County, Inc. was incorporated.
In 2021, the organization grew once more leading a merger with their neighboring affiliate of Manitowoc County founded in 1968, thus becoming Big Brothers Big Sisters WI Shoreline serving Sheboygan and Manitowoc counties. In nearly six decades, we have served nearly 20,000 children creating meaningful and professionally supported matches between adult volunteer mentors (Bigs) and children (Littles), ages 5 through 18, in both urban and rural communities.
What’s something you wish more people knew about you?
We are one of the 230+ affiliates around the country helping children achieve their full potential.
How can people learn more about you?
Visit our website for activities, events and information.